Clustering and Recognition of Spatiotemporal Features through Interpretable Embedding of Sequence to Sequence Recurrent Neural Networks


Encoder-decoder recurrent neural network models (RNN Seq2Seq) have achieved great success in ubiquitous areas of computation and applications. It was shown to be successful in modeling data with both temporal and spatial dependencies for translation or prediction tasks. In this study, we propose an embedding approach to visualize and interpret the representation of data by these models. Furthermore, we show that the embedding is an effective method for unsupervised learning and can be utilized to estimate the optimality of model training. In particular, we demonstrate that embedding space projections of the decoder states of RNN Seq2Seq model trained on sequences prediction are organized in clusters capturing similarities and differences in the dynamics of these sequences. Such performance corresponds to an unsupervised clustering of any spatio-temporal features and can be employed for time-dependent problems such as temporal segmentation, clustering of dynamic activity, selfsupervised classification, action recognition, failure prediction, etc. We test and demonstrate the application of the embedding methodology to time-sequences of 3D human body poses. We show that the methodology provides a high-quality unsupervised categorization of movements.

Frontiers AI
Kun Su
Kun Su
Software Engineer | PhD

My research interests include machine learning, computer vision, audio/music application, robotics.